Definition: Indicating a lack of similarity or correspondence; not matching or aligning with something else.

Synonyms: Mismatch, Incompatible, Discordant, Discrepant, Incongruent

Usage Examples in Sentences

The color of his shoes does not match his outfit.
Her story does not match his version of events.
The tropical fruit does not match the winter theme.
The new software update does not match the old version.
The answer she gave does not match the solution in the textbook.
The weather forecast does not match the actual conditions outside.
The melody in the new song does not match the original composition.
The key does not match the lock, preventing entry.
The intricate melody of the classical composition does not match the chaotic rhythm of the avant-garde piece.
The cutting-edge technology in the prototype does not match the outdated components in the older version.
Her genuine kindness does not match the calculated motives of those around her.
Her explanation does not match the evidence presented in court.
The serial number on the package does not match the one on the receipt.
The description of the suspect does not match the witness's account.
The price listed online does not match the price in the store.
In this case, the evidence does not match the testimony.
The new employee's performance does not match the job requirements.

Usage Example in Conversation

Client: I've reviewed the design mockup you sent over, but it seems that the color scheme does not match our brand guidelines.Designer: I apologize for the oversight. Could you please provide specific details on the colors that need adjustment?Client: Our brand palette primarily consists of shades of blue and gray. The colors in the mockup appear to be more vibrant and do not align with our subdued branding.Designer: Understood. I'll make the necessary revisions to ensure that the colors match your brand guidelines accurately.
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