Definition: To demand payment or a fee for goods or services provided.

Synonyms: Billed Me, Invoiced Me, Cost Me, Fined Me, Sued Me

Usage Examples in Sentences

The doctor charged me for the medical consultation.
The fitness trainer charged me for the workout sessions.
The mechanic charged me a reasonable fee for fixing the brakes on my car.
The tech support company charged me for resolving the software issue on my computer.
The online course charged me for accessing premium educational content.
The exorbitant bill at the luxury hotel charged me for every amenity imaginable, leaving my wallet considerably lighter.
The brilliant lawyer skillfully charged me with defending the indefensible, pushing the boundaries of legal discourse.
The charismatic speaker's impassioned words charged me with a newfound sense of purpose and determination.
The philosophical debate charged me with contemplating the complexities of existence and the nature of reality.
The restaurant charged me extra for adding avocado to my salad.
She charged me a small fee for tutoring me in math.
He charged me a hefty fee for his legal services.
The mechanic charged me more than I expected for repairing my car.
For the meal she prepared, she charged me a reasonable price.
Charged me with a smile, the cashier handed over the receipt.
The tour guide charged me for the guided tour of the museum.
At the end of the month, the landlord charged me for utilities.
Having completed the work, the plumber charged me more than I expected.
The restaurant charged me for the meal before I even tasted it.
He charged me a flat rate for the graphic design work.
At the salon, they charged me for the haircut and styling.

Usage Example in Conversation

Client: Hi, I noticed an additional charge on my invoice. Can you please explain?Vendor: Of course. Let me check that for you. It seems we charged you for the extra service requested last week.Client: Ah, I see. I wasn't aware there would be an additional fee for that. Could you provide more details about the charge?Vendor: Certainly. The charge was for the customization of the software according to your specific requirements.Client: Understood. I appreciate the explanation. Is there any way we can adjust this charge going forward?Vendor: I'll discuss it with our billing department and see if we can offer any adjustments or discounts for similar requests in the future.
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