Definition: Being the main target of a joke or ridicule, experiencing the most severe or direct impact of a humorous or mocking situation.

Synonyms: Butt Of Joke, Subject Mockery, Target Ridicule, Center Laughter, Focal Jest

Usage Examples in Sentences

John always ends up being the brunt of a joke during our weekly game nights.
In the superhero comic, the clumsy sidekick often becomes the brunt of a joke among the other characters.
During the talent show, Mark accidentally tripped on stage and became the brunt of a joke for the rest of the event.
At the family reunion, Uncle Joe became the brunt of a joke when he mistook salt for sugar in the dessert he was making.
In the world of toys, the quirky robot character became the brunt of a joke for its amusing antics.
In high school, Alex always found himself at the brunt of a joke due to his unique fashion sense.
As a rookie, she bore the brunt of a joke among her teammates after a clumsy fall during the soccer match.
Despite his intellect and achievements, he often found himself bearing the brunt of a joke in intellectual circles.
She knew she was the one who would bear the brunt of a joke if her clumsiness got the best of her.
Her fear of public speaking made her an easy target to bear the brunt of a joke whenever she had to give a presentation.
The comedian's sharp wit spared no one, and even the audience members found themselves bearing the brunt of a joke.
She bore the brunt of a joke when her clumsiness became the centerpiece of the evening's entertainment.
When the prank backfired, John found himself at the brunt of a joke, much to his embarrassment.
After the misunderstanding was cleared up, Tom realized he had been the brunt of a joke all along.
The new employee unwittingly became the brunt of a joke during the company's annual meeting.
Despite her best efforts to blend in, Laura inevitably became the brunt of a joke at the party.
The brunt of a joke often falls on the person who least expects it.
Being the brunt of a joke can sometimes feel like a heavy burden to carry.
In a group of friends, no one wants to be the brunt of a joke all the time.
Sheila always manages to deflect the brunt of a joke with her quick wit.
Despite being the brunt of a joke, she maintained her composure and laughed along.
In comedy, timing is crucial to ensure that no one becomes the brunt of a joke unfairly.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Did you see the email thread yesterday? It got a bit out of hand.B: Yeah, I did. It seemed like Tom bore the brunt of a joke during that whole exchange.A: I felt bad for him. He was just trying to make a point, but everyone turned it into a running gag.B: Exactly. I'll talk to the team and remind them to keep things professional. We don't want anyone to feel disrespected.
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