Definition: Refers to a situation where someone or something has bitten another person.

Synonyms: Nipped, Chomped, Nibbled, Bitten, Munched

Usage Examples in Sentences

Playing with the computer cables, the curious kitten bit him and got a little electric shock.
The unexpected twist in the plot bit him, leaving him shocked while reading the book.
During the family picnic, a sneaky ant bit him when he sat on the grass.
When the stray dog felt threatened, it lunged forward and bit him.
After the mosquito bit him, he applied some ointment to the itchy spot.
Bit him again, the naughty toddler giggled mischievously.
Unaware of the danger, he reached into the beehive and got bit him multiple times.
Walking through the forest, a mosquito bit him on the forehead.
Bit him softly, the kitten quickly learned not to play too rough.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: I heard there was an incident in the park yesterday.B: Yes, unfortunately. A dog bit him while he was jogging.A: That's awful. Is he alright?B: He's shaken up but thankfully not seriously injured.
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