Definition: Suggesting that the most appropriate or effective way to convey something is through a particular means or method.

Synonyms: Clear Statement, Strong Indication, Powerful Demonstration, Effective Communication, Convincing Portrayal

Usage Examples in Sentences

The story's moral is best expressed by a wise elder.
The excitement of the game is best expressed by a cheering crowd.
Gratitude is best expressed by a heartfelt thank-you note.
A complex idea is often best expressed by a simple analogy.
A message is best expressed by a clear and concise statement.
His affection for her was best expressed by a heartfelt letter.
The beauty of the landscape was best expressed by a delicate watercolor painting.
The profound emotions in the poem were best expressed by a haunting melody.
The mathematical theorem was best expressed by a concise and logical proof.
His philosophical musings on the nature of existence are best expressed by a labyrinth of abstract symbolism.
The profound beauty of the sunset is best expressed by a canvas, capturing the hues that words fail to convey.
The complexity of the concept is best expressed by a series of illustrations.
The intricacies of human emotion are best expressed by a heartfelt gesture.
The artist believes that true creativity is best expressed by a free-flowing imagination.
The power of friendship is best expressed by a helping hand in times of need.
Best expressed by a beautiful painting, her love for nature was evident.
Music, best expressed by a melodic tune, soothes her soul.
His admiration for literature, best expressed by a well-written poem, knew no bounds.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: We need to illustrate the importance of teamwork in our upcoming presentation.B: I think that's best expressed by a real-life example.A: Exactly. We could talk about how our team collaborated to solve the client's problem last month.B: That's a great idea. It will make the concept more tangible for the audience.
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