Definition: A small, faint, or limited amount of optimism or positive expectation in a challenging or difficult situation.

Synonyms: Ray Of Hope, Glimmer Of Hope, Thread Of Hope, Beam Of Hope, Hint Of Hope

Usage Examples in Sentences

After failing the first exam, Sarah found a sliver of hope in the chance to improve.
Despite the team's losing streak, the coach saw a sliver of hope for their next game.
After searching for hours, they found a sliver of hope in the form of footprints.
Despite the setback, there remained a sliver of hope for their project's success.
Despite the setbacks, there was still a sliver of hope that they would reach their fundraising goal.
Even in the darkest moments, she clung to a sliver of hope that her missing dog would return home.
With each failed attempt, his belief in success dwindled until only a sliver of hope remained.
Despite the odds, there was a sliver of hope that the ceasefire would hold and bring an end to the conflict.
Despite the overwhelming odds, the detective clung to a sliver of hope that he would crack the case.
Amidst the chaos of war, there emerged a sliver of hope for reconciliation between the warring factions.
The scientist's discovery offered a sliver of hope in the search for a cure to the deadly virus.
After years of drought, the sight of rain clouds brought a sliver of hope to the parched land.
As the deadline approached, the struggling team held onto a sliver of hope for victory.
In the darkest of nights, a sliver of hope still flickered in her heart.
Even in the face of adversity, he held onto a sliver of hope for redemption.
Despite the setbacks, a sliver of hope continued to sustain them through the ordeal.
Despite the skepticism of others, she nurtured a sliver of hope in her dreams.
Even amidst the uncertainty, there remained a sliver of hope, a spark of possibility.
A sliver of hope was all they needed to keep going.
The team held onto a sliver of hope until the very end.
She nurtured a sliver of hope to get through the tough times.
After months of setbacks, she found a sliver of hope in the form of a job offer.
Buried beneath the rubble, they held onto a sliver of hope for rescue.
He searched desperately for a sliver of hope amidst the chaos.
Even in the darkest hour, there can be found a sliver of hope to hold onto.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Our sales numbers have been declining steadily for the past few months. It's quite concerning.B: Yes, it's definitely a challenging situation. But I think there might be a sliver of hope in the new marketing strategy we're implementing.A: That's true. It's been receiving positive feedback from our focus groups. Hopefully, it can turn things around.B: Exactly. Even though the situation looks bleak now, a sliver of hope is sometimes all we need to keep pushing forward.
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